Friday, December 31, 2010
Granny Went Star Crazy ...COMPLETED!
I really don't know when I'll get around to quilting this top. It may be months before I post that.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Star Crazy December BOM
I really didn't think there would be time in December, but now with Christmas over, I snuck in a day of "do what you WANT to do, not what you HAVE to do."

Four Patch Stars & Quad Stars
The last 6 blocks are now complete and ready for their placement along the outside borders.
And the inside Irish Chain is sewn together.
I love how this quilt is coming together.
Sue Garman really did a great job with the design.
My thanks to The Quilt Show with Alex Anderson and Ricky Tims for letting us participate in their Block of The Month 2010.
And remember all those 1 1/2" half square triangles we have been making each month along the way?
I think there are 320 of them all together.
I've started sewing the 8 rows needed for the borders.
A little tedious and time consuming, but I put on a good movie and I was in my happy zone.

Remember Star Crazy will eventually grow up to look like this.
Star Crazy has been such a great quilt to make together with so many of you. This is the first time I have hosted a group, and I have been inspired by your work! And, it's been delightful getting to know quilters from around the world.
I have a feeling we are going to be seeing a lot of wonderful posts about Star Crazy in January.
Happy New Year!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Just Showing Off *S*
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Center Finished

Something funny as I moved along with this. I found a small plastic baggie labeled "June Irish Chain" with loose pieces in it along with my other blocks. I thot they must be extra pieces or something. However, when I laid it all out there was a huge blank in a space where an Irish Chain should be. *L*
Apparently I was so tired of making them, I thot I'd just put it aside and I'd never have to deal with it. HA! There were a few other things to fix up too and some frogging, but really not much.
I've decided that this is such a big project, I'm just not gonna focus on things I should have done differently. I'm more amazed that it's nearing completion. Now if I can just get those HST's to all face where they should. *S*
Happy Holidays to all of you!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
We shall see......
I have everything wish me luck on the stitching.
I have more fabric left over than I thot I'd have.......enough for a nice scrappy quilt sometime in the new year.
Happy Holidays to everyone!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
December BOM - The end is near
Well the year is coming to an end and how many of us out of this group of many have finished our blocks to assemble the top! I finished today. Here are my December stars - too many hst's to picture but glad they are done. I will assemble the top in January and hand quilt it - who knows when? I have one queen size top waiting in line, one on the quilting frame and a Dear Jane nearing completion plus the Star Crazy - that means by the end of January I will have 3 large tops waiting to be quilted.
I will picture my top when it is assembled.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Granny Went Star Crazy Dec progress report
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
November blocks - just in time :o)
Saturday, November 27, 2010
October Blocks - Finally!
I haven't been to guild in 2 months and I'm looking forward to going in December. Alex will be going with me, I think the ladies would kill me if I didn't bring him!

Star Crazy November BOM
What a fun year this has been making the Block of The Month with The Quilt Show. I have thoroughly enjoyed hosting our group, and watching your progress. You have inspired me!
For November we made 12 (4 1/2" X 8 1/2") Half Chain Blocks.
And the last of the full Irish Chain blocks.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Nov & Dec "Granny Went Star Crazy"
I finished the half irish chain blocks and went ahead and assembled them. I decided to change the background fabric to a rust color to make it look like a border was sort of built into the center of the quilt. THIS IS NOT the way the pattern shows. I don't mind if someone else wants to do this also, I just wanted you to know that it is not the way this quilt was designed by Sue.
Finally I got done with the Irish Chain blocks that I have talked about making for the past week or more. I am so glad I looked at the directions once again as for some reason I thought it said to make 11 half chains and 1 full block – I would have been one short – we needed 12 half blocks. Glad to be caught up on this quilt now. One more month left and then put the whole thing together. The year has flown by hasn't it! I can't wait to see this quilt top finished. I doubt I will put it all together though until January - December will be such a busy month I will be lucky to get all the blocks finished that will be assigned to us.
EDITED: A friend just a couple minutes ago pointed out that one the four patches on the 4th half block is turned backward - thank you so much - I would have hated to have part of the quilt sewed together and noticed it -- off to fix it before I forget!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
October blocks :o)
Friday, November 5, 2010
November blocks done!
Monday, November 1, 2010
September (!!) blocks!
Friday, October 29, 2010
SueR's October Blocks
October Blocks
Whew! I barely got my October blocks finished in time. With leading this group, I feel very motivated to stay current. (Just a personal goal)
I decided to start laying out the blocks on my design wall that have been finished so far.
We only have one more Irish Chain and the inside will be complete.
Are you as antsy as I am to start putting things together?
You guys have been awesome. I love seeing your posts and how Star Crazy is turning out in different fabrics, and from locations all over the world.
Monday, October 25, 2010
October BOM Blocks
Finally here it is the end of October and I have the BOM finished for this month. I hadsuch trouble with the Irish Chain blocks this month. I finally gave up with the sewing machine today and sat and relaxed and did the last two blocks by hand!! they turned out perfect. What a difference a method makes!!
I know to a lot of you hand piecing is not relaxing but to me and others it is. I can be so much more accurate when hand piecing than with a machine for some reason. I think with the machine I do not control it enough – go too fast, too slow, I am distracted and don’t pay close enough attention to the quarter inch foot? I don’t know but I do know that I am not a precision piecer with the machine and I have never felt totally comfortable with a sewing machine whereas I have always been comfortable with hand work. It just goes slow!
The blocks this month:
SueR's September Blocks
Sunday, October 17, 2010
October Update
Monday, October 11, 2010
The end of the stars?
Here's an idea.....
Friday, October 8, 2010
Goodbye stars.....

Btw....that goopy piece of duct tape up there on the edge of the cutting mat is my way to holding together two big mats on that one side of my work table. By this time, I think we are all friends enough to see the dark side of our work rooms. *L*