Finally I got done with the Irish Chain blocks that I have talked about making for the past week or more. I am so glad I looked at the directions once again as for some reason I thought it said to make 11 half chains and 1 full block – I would have been one short – we needed 12 half blocks. Glad to be caught up on this quilt now. One more month left and then put the whole thing together. The year has flown by hasn't it! I can't wait to see this quilt top finished. I doubt I will put it all together though until January - December will be such a busy month I will be lucky to get all the blocks finished that will be assigned to us.
EDITED: A friend just a couple minutes ago pointed out that one the four patches on the 4th half block is turned backward - thank you so much - I would have hated to have part of the quilt sewed together and noticed it -- off to fix it before I forget!